Roster of Soldiers

Bailey, Ernest151st Dep. Brig.
Dana, Walter C.Co. M 58th Inf.
Dana, William G.Co. F 101st Am. Tn.
Foley, Arthur E.Co. M 58th Inf.
Foley, Frank N.Co. M 58th Inf.
French, ClarenceCo. C 310th Inf.
French, GeorgeCo. E 309th Inf.
Freer, LesterS.A.T.C.
Hanchett, Frank RoyCo. M 58th Inf.
Pvt. 1/c Heath S. BurtonHd. Co. 102nd Inf.
Heath, Waldo H. 
Hendry, Harvey C.Co. G 103rd Inf.
Lindsey, Ned. B.151st Dep. Brig.
Lord, Wendell ECo. F 101stAm. Tn.
Died in action on November 8, 1918, and buried in Suresnes American Cemetery, Seine, France.
Lund, Austin G.Co. F 101stAm. Tn.
Mason, Frank A. 
McQueen, Joseph 
Merrin, Henry T.Co. F 101st Am. Tn.
Moulton, JohnCo. F 101st Am. Tn.
Col. Nelson, Forrest P.Co. C 302nd M.G. Bn.
Page. Moses 
Cpl. Page, Willliam D.Co. F 101st Am. Tn.
Smith, GeraldS.A.T.C.
Thurston, Samuel W.S.A.T.C.
Tinkham, Clarence H.Co. G 103rd Inf.
Welch, Clyde I.Co. F. 101st Am. Tn.
Willey, George 
Williams, Carrol M.M.G. Co. 101st Inf.
Williams, Leslie A.Tr. E 2nd Cav
Williams, Perley 
Wright, Sydney J.Co. F 101st Am. Tn.

Commissioned Officers

Captain M.C. Bushnell, Edward H.Med Corps
Captain M.C. Caldwell, Nathan R.M.O.T.C.
2nd Lieut. Ricker, Isaac M.Hg. Co. 102nd Inf.
1st Lieut. Tillotson, Henry L.Emb. Hosp. 1st Cav.

Others Who Served

In the Navy: Lieut Dwight A. Smith, Nav. Aux. Res.

In the Marine Corps: Harold O. Taylor, Co. D Ret. Depot.

As an Army Nurse: Grace M. Dennis, Evac. Hosp. overseas.

Wounded In Action

Heath S. Burton, Pvt.Slightly, March 21, 1918
Hook, Justin, Pvt.Severely, Sept. 28, 1918
Nelson, Forrest P., Cprl.Slightly, Oct. 9, 1918
Tinkham, Clarence H., Pvt.Slightly, Oct. 27, 1918

When the first convention of the Vermont Department of the American Legion was called on October 30, 1919, at Burlington, there were seventy-five posts in the State.  Groton was Post No. 8, the Wendell E. Lord Post.  The Post Commander was S. Burton Heath; Adjutant, Harvey C. Hendry; Treasurer, S. Burton Heath.